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Word Cloud

Friday, 15 March 2013


I grew up listening to the cliché that, “Books are a person’s best friend”. But, it was actually when I stumbled upon The Harry Potter Series that I realized what a delight books can be. I had the life-changing encounter of getting introduced to the magical world of Harry Potter purely by chance. I was all of 12 years old when I read the first Harry Potter book. Little did I know back then that it would mark the beginning of a life-long obsession. If I remember correctly, the first five books of the series were published by then and the first two had already been converted into movies. I could have watched the movies first and read the books later. But, as I had no access to the movies, I turned to the books instead. The fact that I read the books first and then watched the movies is something I consider as a blessing in disguise.

The Harry Potter books offered me a chance to delve deep into the world of Harry, Ron and Hermione. A world in which “love” and “friendship” existed in their purest forms. It has been close to 6 years since the world of Harry Potter was brought to a fitting closure by the one who created it at the first place – J.K. Rowling. But, it continues to flourish in the hearts of millions of Potter-maniacs like me.

There were so many moments in the series when one would simply be in awe of what had been written. Whether it was Harry seeing his parents in The Mirror of Erised or Draco’s predicament while killing Dumbledore, each moment had its own speciality. And to top it all was the breathtaking climax in which the proverbial notion of victory of good over evil took centre stage. Also, the manner in which the characters were developed throughout the seires is something astonishing. My personal favourite character of Severus Snape had so many layers embroiled unto him that it was a treat to see the various facets of him unravel in the way it did. The character of Albus Dumbledore was also remarkably portrayed. “The only one you-know-who ever feared” came across as the wise old man who knew everything. The duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore at The Ministry of Magic remains to be one of my favourite sequences in the series.

Two of the greatest wizards of all time engaged in a fierce duel

"I show not your face but your heart's desire." ~The Mirror of Erised

"Killing is not nearly as easy as the innocent believe." ~Albus Dumbledore to Draco Malfoy

The final battle

The fact that I was reading Harry Potter books at a stage when I could connect with the emotions of the adolescent characters enriched my experience appreciably. Puppy love, conflicting thoughts, risk-taking impulse – Was Harry facing the same dilemmas as I was? It is amazing how books can influence various aspects of your day-to-day life. Using 'Alohomora!' in front of locked doors, mistaking every other black dog on the street as Sirius Black, wishing you could apparate to places instead of going there normally, developing a crush on Hermione Granger (or, rather, Emma Watson)  – these are things only a Potteraholic could have experienced.

Every generation is associated with certain things which cast a spell (no pun intended) on it. I will always feel that I am lucky to belong to a generation which saw the advent of Harry Potter

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