Dear Mr. Modi,
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your
thumping victory in the General Elections. The people have given an
overwhelmingly decisive mandate in the favor of your party and your alliance. I
must confess I was a bit surprised to see your party cross the magic figure of
272 all by itself. After all, it has happened for the first time since 1985
that a single party has got a clear majority in the lower house of the parliament.
It largely means that the people of this country have voted for change. And, in you, they have
found the best humdinger of change.
While you seem to be in celebratory mood, which I believe is
set to last for quite some time, I am sure a part of you must have contemplated
the enormity of the faith that people of this country have reposed in you. You
have successfully managed to sell your dreams to the nation. But, now comes the
time to deliver. And, I am sure you will agree that living up to the hopes and
expectations of the 1.26 billion people of this country is a much more
difficult task than winning the largest election of the world.
Here is what the very same electorate, which propelled you to the most powerful position in the country,
expect from you:-
Revive the
economy: The economy of India has gone to the dogs. Vital parameters of the
economy lie ailing, the most important being the G.D.P. growth rate which was
8.2 % at the time of Vajpayee ji’s
regime and has been brought down to 4.7 % by the U.P.A. government. The country
expects you to set the ball rolling when it comes to strong fiscal policies
that will reduce the deficit and increase the growth. The appointment of an
able Finance Minister will be a good start.
Relations: Having been the Chief Minister of a state for close to 13 years,
you know the importance of federalism better than anybody else. I was reading
an article in which it is suggested that your operational style as the Prime
Minister will be through the states. It is a welcome sign as federalism is
becoming more and more inevitable in Indian polity as the days progress. But,
it is worthy to note that the success at which you will deal with non-BJP ruled
states will determine your true mettle as the Prime Minister.
right-wing extremism: Sadly, your party’s image has been synonymous with
the demolition of the Babri Masjid and the Ram Janmabhoomi movement. Your
personal role in the 2002 Godhra riots has been one of the talking points of
this election. The fact that you have been acquitted by the highest court of
the land absolves yourself from any criminal offence. But, your biggest
challenge will be to curb the religious chauvinism emanating out from the
groups associated with your party. The people have voted for your party because
of its developmental agenda and not because of its majoritarian approach. You
are provided with an excellent opportunity to show that development from which
all sections of the society benefit is the best advertisement of secularism.
Foreign Policy
Initiatives: You must be busy receiving congratulatory messages from world
leaders after your emphatic victory. The message from Mr. Obama and the U.S.
State Department signaling the end of your nine-year U.S. visa ban showed that
you had the last laugh. But, foreign policy is a much more serious issue than
it seems. The prosperity of our nation heavily depends on the geo-political
stability of our region and the manner in which you will address issues
relating to China and Pakistan will be of special significance.